Being left alone is a bitter end to the trip. I have a commute at the other end, and it all feels a bit flat, returning to world where no-ones what you've experienced. It is quite depressing for young travellers I think. They travel around the world, have crazy adventures and then BAMM, back to normality. I think it is quite hard to adjust to.
Fortunately for me, I have 15 hours of footage to trawl through and make a documentary. The edit would eventually take two years, often left at the mercy of other projects, but also proving quite difficult in itself. The cahllenges include editing yourself and a country, trying to do justice to the experience, surrendering to subjectivity, and finding a 'tone' that works. It deserves a blog in itself, but it is simplier to say that for critics who feel that the film is in someway lacking, I recommend you try going on a journey yourself and compressing it into 85 coherent minutes. I tried to keep the random nature of the adventure, these four strange travellers taking an unusual journey. And I think it works...