After a journey through an evolving landscape, we end up setting up camp in a river bed near Ighrem. It is here that I find a giant bone that I decide to take back to England for the archaeology department at work. They are less impressed than I was at the time. They simply told me that it smelt bad and that I should throw it out.
There was also the wonderful old house which is featured in the film. I feel like a child when walking around tose kinds of places, as I imagine history has so many stories of this place. I imagine who has been here before me and who will come here after me. These deserted spaces are great for reflection, it was fun to put my life into context, and clarify my small position within the giant arc that is time and the giant space that is nature. I would love to pretend that this came about because it was Easter, but I think it was the feeling of being one week overland from home.