The experience of the shop at Zagora was another example of how crucial these sequences are for the film. The interaction in the shop was great, with Paul and martin taking the opportunity to 'do the shopping' in one swoop. I was never even pestered, having discovered that the camera acts as a nice little camouflage to sales people. They simply are not interested if your eyes are fixed upon an LCD screen, as they cannot engage you!
It is my experience in the evening that was left out of the final film. I began to feel quite claustrophobic, as I was used to living by myself, and I was the only one in the group who did so. I think it is fair to say that we all felt this way at some point, and it is nothing particularly unusual when you consider that we are four males, all 10 years apart, together for three weeks, and things can get a little similar after a while. It is important to remember that at this point, we had been together for quite awhile, and I think I was beginning to want a nice bath with a cold beer in my small flat.