Monday, March 21, 2005
Outside Gibraltar
Once we are near Gibraltar I decide that I'll talk a little to camera in a kind of diary style fashion. I really loathe this type of thing as it has become quite common on television, but my pieces to camera ended up being quite integral to the feature. In my defence, I think that these illustrate my emotion at the time effectively, but I can honestly say that you cannot detach yourself from your ego at these moments and you become very aware of how you are presenting an image of yourself. This is particularly the case in the edit where you can clip out embarrassing parts. I have to admit that the representation of myself in the film is manipulated somewhat, making me appear a bit more casual than in real life. Each of those diary parts was about 10 minutes unedited, and included themes such as post-colonialism and perceptions of Arabic culture. This all seemed a little pretentious in the edit and I tried to squeeze these themes in more subtly elsewhere.