When we wake up, we realise that we are being watched, by a young girl. Bare in mind we are in the middle of nowhere, and there is no-one else around. I think that it may be a trap, as Paul and I cheekily stole firewood from beside a village the night before. But she doesn't say anything, she just wanders around, looking at us. It becomes a little bizarre after a while, and we feel like we are in a zoo, and she is too shy to come up to us, so Paul and Martin walk towards her and sit either side, and watch the vans too. She gets the joke, and soon she is walking amongst us.
We are not there for too long though, as we head on to Zagora... which takes longer than expected. As Paul jokes in the film, I am not enjoying this at all! At least there is a swimming pool at the campsite, which feels incredible after days of being in the hot car with all the dirt.
I find later, when in Libya, this stretch wasn't that difficult after all.